Prof. Dr. Hans W. Giessen
Information Sciences Institute
University of Saarland,
Saarbrücken, Germany
Abstract. In this article, an example will be examined of how many Anglicisms can be found in a specific German newspaper text, the lead article of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, which refers to the most important topic of the previous day. The aim of the article is not to examine the influence of English on the purely lexical level, but in particular in relation to the context in which the respective Anglicism was found. The result is that, at least in the context of this specific type of press text, English-language words or English-influenced neologisms do not seem to be very common. If they occur more frequently, then they are justified in terms of content: in the context of new topics and specific specialist domains.
Keywords: Media-adequate didactic presentation; etymologies; German; foreign-language influence; newspaper
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