Mihail Borislavov Nenov, Sevil Yusuf Ivanova,
Greta Dimitrova Stoyanova, Tanya Markova Srebreva
Alexander Georgiev-Kodzhakafaliyata Primary School
Absract. The article traces the application of the PERMA model in the
innovative STEM subject Space Research. The design of educational solutions takes
into account modern trends in the development of “soft skills” and an integrated set of knowledge aimed at identifying and solving problems in the micro- (individual)
and macro- (global) context of the individual and the community in a period of dynamic digitalization and robotization of personal and social parameters and theirconsolidation into business intelligent systems (BIS).
The content design for the STEM subject Space Research is based on the PERMA model in positive psychology and presents the ways in which it is realized through: an integrated learning approach, combined with a set of hardware and software solutions that ensure the realization of goals, expanding the parameters of personal development of students and setting new challenges for learning and mental (cognitive and emotional) growth.
Keywords: PERMA model; STEM; Space Research