Linguistic Knowledge, Communicative Competence, Functional Literacy
Absract. The main aim of the article is to discuss the relationship between the three key areas related to the tasks of Bulgarian language teaching. Linguistic knowledge is the traditional core of teaching Bulgarian at school. The knowledge of language units and rules is the basis upon which the communicative skills to apply them in various situations are developed. Functional literacy is related to the transition from pattern drills and “artificial” textbook’s materials to real cases from different functional areas.
Keywords: linguistic knowledge; communicative competence; functional literacy; language teaching
Prof. Dr. Yovka Tisheva
Sofia University
Research Approach in Bulgarian Language Training: Between Tradition and Innovation
Absract. The text focuses on the research approach in preparing teachers of Bulgarian language as one of the main ways to solve the controversy between the accumulation of a huge amount of knowledge in university education and the inability of trainees to put it into practice. The focus is on the problems which trainee-teachers of Bulgarian language face in view of the modern teaching requirements.
In this context, research competence is seen as one of the most important components of a teacher's professional and pedagogical expertise. Its formation is traced in the process of research activity carried out by future teachers during their studies at the university. An example of a pilot model for classroom and extracurricular work in the foundation discipline Introduction to General Linguistics shows the effect of students conducting research on the formation of the competencies and skills that underlie their development as specialists in Bulgarian, and the development of their professional self-esteem.
Keywords: university education; teaching Bulgarian language; research approach
Prof. Dr. Velka Popova
University of Shumen (Bulgaria)
Does the National Matriculation Exam in Bulgarian Language and Literature Have an Impact on the Grammatical Competence
Absract. The report presents the results of a nationally representative sociolinguistic survey of language attitudes in relation to proficiency in 9 grammatical norms. The answers of the respondents are divided into two groups according to the attribute educational activity: students and non-learners. Since the same standards are verified by the National matriculation exam in Bulgarian standard language, it is possible to verify, through the examination of the data, whether this educational practice has an impact on grammatical competence. The analysis shows that National matriculation exam in Bulgarian standard language has a positive influence on the knowledge and application of grammatical norms in dynamics – a feedback that has not been studied so far.
Keywords: National matriculation exam in Bulgarian standard language and Bulgarian Literature; grammatical competence; nationally representative survey
Dr. Ruska Stancheva
Institute for Bulgarian language
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. Dr. Krasimira Aleksova
Sofia University
Grammar Games. “The MeSiZa’s Questions”, a Syntactic Game: Creation and Expectations
Absract. The paper presents an attempt to gamify the process of teaching Bulgarian syntax. It is based on a university course in Modern Bulgarian Syntax for the philological and educational programs in the Department of Philology at the University of Plovdiv. The theoretical model of the sentence follows the rules of the phrase structure. The main principle of language analysis, which is presented as a game, is focused on the sentence structure in Bulgarian. The skills for presenting structural graphic representations are being developed. The function of words as parts of the sentence are presented through syntactic projections which are being configured by the students and this develops their critical thinking. The authors provide students with a completely new educational tool by creating the pilot version of 'The MeSiZa's Questions' /grammar game for Meta Language Symbolic Representation/. Scientifically, the implications belong to the e-Science paradigm. The authors offer a further collaboration and partnership to the teachers in Bulgarian language to apply this innovative approach, i.e the use of grammar games, into school teaching practice.
Keywords: grammar games; structural graphics; configurational syntactic analysis; school practice
Dr. Petya Bаrkalova, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Iva Nedeleva
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Language Aggression in Political and Student Speech
Absract. In recent years, more and more often in the scientific literature and in the mass media is written and talked about language aggression and its manifestations in various formats and different communities. The actuality of the topic is determined by the fact that the phenomenon is spreading more and more and is pervading various social spheres. Not only linguists show interest in language aggression but also wide circle of sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers and journalists among others. In the article are examined some of the main ways language aggression is expressed in the political speech and are presented some of the basic lexical and topical groups. The data on school students’ speech is extracted from a survey on language aggression conducted in several Bulgarian schools. A brief review of key concepts related to theoretical linguistic and psychological definitions of the term language aggression is also included.
Keywords: language aggression; political speech; school students speech; lexical means for expression of language aggression
Dr. Vladislav Milanov
Sofia University
Dialectics and Absurd in Jean Dormeson's “Glory of Empire”
Absract. In the present paper, we set our goal to analyze the usage of dialectics in “Glory of the Empire” of Jean D’Ormesson as a weapon against the very idea of Platonic and Hegelian dialectics. Our main thesis is that D’Ormesson projects the dialectics in a formal logical space, which creates artificial contradictions and inconsistencies, which are object to his satire. This is the reason some parts of his critique towards historiography and religion to be inconsistent themselves.
Keywords: literature, history; philosophy; Jean d’Ormesson; probability theory; religion; scientific method; mathematics
Dr. Latchezar Tomov
New Bulgarian University
On 60th Anniversary of Prof. Dr. Angel Petrov
Maya Padeshka
Sofia University
About the Dictionary of French Words in Bulgarian and its Application in Language and Literary Education
Prof. Rositsa Penkova, DSc.
Sofia University