Investigating the Parameters Which Influence the Length and Shape of MgSO4 Crystals
Ivaylo Kartev
High School of Mathematics – Plovdiv (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The purpose of this paper is investigating and varying parameters which influence the length and shape of MgSO4 crystals, obtained from solution…
A Review of Mortality Analyses and Life Safety in an Indian Context
B. H. S. Thimmappa
Bhagwan Mahavir College of Basic and Applied Sciences (BMCBAS) (India)
Abstract. This discussion paper on death presents an analysis of the causes of irretrievable mortality in the Indian context. It traces the local-to-global connection by depicting the current scenario and future perspectives…
Kalin Chakarov, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. Teachers’ knowledge of students’ difficulties is a major component of pedago-gical content knowledge (PCK) and a key element for effective instruction...
Meteorological Determinants of Covid-19 Disease: A Literature Review
Z. Mateeva1*), E. Batchvarova1), Z. Spasova2), I. Ivanov3),
B. Kazakov4), S. Matev3), A. Simidchiev5), A. Kitev4)
1)Climate Atmosphere and Water Research Institute at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2)National Center for Public Health and Analyses at the Ministry of Health
3)Sofia State University, Faculty of Geology and Geography
4)National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
5)The Parliament of Republic of Bulgaria
Abstract. The purpose of this investigation is to review the currently known studies on the meteorological preconditions of COVID-19, and analyze and synthesize the results from the existing research, with a view to further substantiating a methodological approach to assessing the daily meteorological factors of viral particles detention in the open air…