The Branichevo Principality оf Darman аnd Kudelin Brothers
Dr. Tervel Popov
Sofia University
Absract. In 1273 or about 1280 the brothers Darman and Kudelin, nobles of Bulgarian-Kuman origin, take over the Branichevo region from the Hungarian Kingdom...
Library People's Universities
Prof. Penka Tsoneva, D.Sc.
Sofia University
Absract. 165 years separate us from the creation of the unique structure for Bulgarian education – the library community centers...
Reserve Officers School Development From The End Of The Twenties Of The XX Century To The End Of World War II (1928 – 1945)
Nikolay Pavlovski, Assist. Prof.
Land Forces Faculty
National Military University „Vassil Levski”
Absract. In the proposed military history study with a focus on the historical review of the preparation of officers from the reserve of the Armed Forces of Bulgaria, an attempt is executed to study the basic form of training of this specific type of servicemen in the defined period...
Hygiene As A Concept And A Subject In The Revival School
Vladimir Terziev, PhD student
Sofia University
Absract. Understanding the concept of hygiene during the Revival includes a complex meaning as a science that helps to protect human health...
Presentism аs а Research Strategy In Modern History оf Education
Prof. Leonid Vakhovskyi, Prof. Andriy Ivchenko,
Dr. Tetiana Ivchenko
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University (Ukraine)
Abstract. The article deals with the peculiarities of use of presentism as an approach in historical knowledge connected with the relationship between the past and the present. The essence of presentism, its cognitive potential, types, strengths and weaknesses are revealed…
Human Rights In The Teaching Of History And Civilizations In 8th Grade
Dr. Georgy Yakimov, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. This article aims to clarify the role of the textbooks in History and Civilizations in 8th grade for mastering the knowledge and forming of concepts by the school students in the field of human rights...
Hexagon Method In History Education
Dr. Krasimir S. Krastev, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
Absract. “Hexagon” is an innovative method for the Bulgarian educational system, aimed at developing the logical thinking and creative abilities of students.
A New Look At The Social And Cultural History Of Early Socialism In Eastern Europe
Todorova, M., 2021. The Lost World of Socialists at Europe’s Margins. Imagining Utopia, 1870s – 1920s. London et al.: Bloomsbury Academic, 378 p.
Dr. Dobrinka Parusheva, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Institute for Balkan Studies & Center of Thracology
„Prof. Alexander Fol“
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
A New Survey On The Russian Public Opinion On The Balkan Wars
Nikita, G., 2020. Bolgariya, Serbiya i russkoye obshchestvo vo vremya
Balkanskikh voyn 1912 – 1913 gg. Moscow: Indrik
Dr. Svetoslav Zhivkov
Sofia University