Strategic Management Relation – (Self) Evaluation – Attestation At School Organization
Absract. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of three important factors to ensure the quality of education in kindergartens and schools - strategic management, evaluation (self-evaluation) and attestation. It refers to both the regulatory framework in the system of pre-school and school education, and affordable theoretical sources concerning studied problems. The article examines the importance of the three factors for creating sustainable systems for quality management education institutions in the system of preschool and school education. Analyzed relationships between strategic management, evaluation and attestation as a factor and guarantor of institutional development and provision of collaborative management.
Keywords: strategic management; assessment; attestation; quality education
Dr. Rumyana Gyoreva, Assist. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Challenges In The Global World And A View To The Future Of Education
Absract. The work focuses on various aspects of the Future of education in the Global word. Positive and negative effects of globalization are reflected in all spheres of society – as well in the education. Mentioned are some basic trends in the Future of education: the importance of Lifelong learning, competencies development, digital learning, importance of resilience, development of value orientation, intercultural education, foreign language skills, promoting creativity, selection of teachers. The various educational aspects are interconnected. Dynamic development of societies, the use of new technologies in all spheres, also in education, lead to the improving of competences of children and adults. The challenges in the global World are related to the problem of equality of educational opportunities for children of different educational levels. The article emphasizes the connection between the Future of education with its various dimensions and the Future of societies in the dynamically changing world.
Keywords: education; society; challenges; lifelong learning; competencies development; digital learning; importance of resilience; development of value orientation; intercultural education; foreign language skills; promoting creativity; selection of teachers
Borjana Ivanova
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Support For The Professional Training Of Future Teachers With Focus School And Kindergarden Director
Absract. The article is devoted to the role of the manager of an educational institution to support the professional training of future teachers. In the context of the normative regulation, its functions and accents of its competence profile concerning the management of the process of practical training of students in the educational institution are described. The content of mentoring is outlined and the positive aspects and difficulties of the management decisions that the director has to take in support of the professional training of future teachers are differentiated.
Keywords: mentoring in education; manager of education institution; teacher training
Prof. Dr. Marinela Mihova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo
Dr. Darinka Kostadinova, Assist. Prof.
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Branch Vratza
Educational Reasons for Early School Drop-Out
Abstract. Education is a high human value and a right that every person has to take advantage of. In today’s technological society, differentiated as a knowledge-based society, at the center of which the knowledgeable person is placed, a part of the young people leave the educational system prematurely. What provokes a person to make this fateful choice? Why, since the labor market needs highly qualified staff, a proportion of students chooses to leave school before they have mastered any professional skills? The reasons for dropping out of school are different. They can be differentiated generally as: family, social, economic and educational, personal reasons. The purpose of this article is to identify the educational reasons why students drop out of school. A questionnaire was developed in order to achieve the so set goal. The questionnaire was approbated with high school students. Research methods: content-analysis, survey, pertinent analysis of empirical data. The results indicate that educational reasons occupy a significant place among the reasons that the the students give for dropping out of school. In order to reduce the influence of the educational reasons for dropping out of school, targeted training of the practitioners is needed. The teacher who is interested in the future development of his or her pupils needs to work preventively to keep students in the education system. Particularly devoted to this activity should be teachers who educate students mainly from minority groups in whose ethnic perceptions education is not of a significant value.
Keywords: education; dropping out of school; educational reasons for dropping out of school
Maria Teneva, Zlatka Zhelyazkova
Trakia University – Stara Zagora
Optimizing The Modern Lesson In Mathematics With The Help Of Mathematical Problem Situations
Absract. The modern lesson in mathematics in the primary grades represents a creative, innovative and interactive form of organization of the educational activities of the students. This requires the use of training techniques that optimally enhance the effectiveness of the learning process. This article explores the possibility of using problematic situations as a means of optimizing the modern lesson in mathematics. The knowledge of students who have mastered the learning content in a problem-situational environment is analyzed by identifying the effect of problematic situations on the learning of mathematical content.
Keywords: optimisation of the math lesson; creative tasks; project activity; problem situation
Dr. Valentina Chileva, Assist. Prof.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Adaptation Of Drama, Theater And Art Techniques For Social Pedagogical Accomodation Of Children At Risk In The Contemporary School
Absract. The article analyzes and interprets the theoretical and applied aspects of current challenges for the contemporary teacher, the difficulties and barriers in the adaptation of students from vulnerable groups in the school-age child community. Unconventional conceptions about the positive learning environment and its importance in stimulating a positive and constructive, inventive and creative community within the school class are discussed. The advantages of the theatrical and art activities designed for social and pedagogical adaptation of children at risk in the classroom are debated. Adapted invariants of three forms of educational drama are suggested, presented as art, drama, and theatrical techniques for use in primary school classroom.
drama and art techniques; children at risk; classroom; adaptation; educational drama; primary school
Dr. Mariya Nikolova, Assist. Prof., Dr. Teodorina Milusheva, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University
About The Road To The Implementation Of Innovative Ideas, Theories And Practices. Realities And Challenges In The Process Of Teaching History Of Music
Absract. The topic of innovation in education is extremely relevant and in this sense it deserves a critical reading, which outlines the long and complicated path that leads to their realization. From the long-standing experience of a university lecturer in history of music, the author outlines his understanding of the problem by bringing to the fore the compulsory theoretical and conceptual preparation, passing through the objective reality and reaching the concrete practical realization in the educational process with students from the musical specialties with pedagogical direction.
Keywords: musicology; music education; history of music; innovative practices in the educational process
Dr. Antonia Baleva, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Orientation of the Educational Process of the Humanities Faculties of the University on Activation Self-Education of Students
Abstract. The research on the basis of Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University (Ukraine) envisaged the study of the degree of orientation of the educational process of the humanities faculties to intensify the self-education of students. Analysis of pedagogical works, observations, dialogues, questionnaires of tutors and students revealed its insufficiency. On the basis of the identified external and internal factors of influence, the ways of activating self-education are outlined: development of self-consciousness, value-motivational and emotional-volitional sphere; actualization of values and content of self-education in the educational process; application of interactive-reflexive forms and methods; providing subject-subjective relations between tutors and students; creating conditions for students to gain experience in self-education. The results of the study allow considering self-education as an important condition for effective pedagogical training of future specialists and can contribute to improving its quality.
Keywords: self-education; activation of self-education of students; humanities faculties of university; factors of activation of self-education
Iryna Sereda
Mykolaiv V.O. Sukhomlynskyi National University (Ukraine)
Diagnosis Of Burnout Syndrome In Educational Specialists - Coping With Chronic Stress In The Workplace
Ianakiev, Y. (2019). Diagnosis of burnout syndrome in educational specialists – coping with chronic stress in the workplace. Plovdiv: Plovdiv University Publishing House.
ISBN 978-619-202-529-8.
Dr. Kirilka Tagareva, Assoc. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Prof. Dr. Georgi Bizhkov And The Progress Of University Education And Pedagogy Science In Bulgaria
Absract. This year we have anniversary 80 year from birth of
Prof. Dr. Georgi Bizhkov (1940 – 2014). In period of near for decades, he is part of academic community of Alma Mater and contributes for growth of the University and Sciences for Education in our country. This paper have not pretensions to make critical analysis of review of activities of our Professor as academic scientist, but to describe his contribution for the growth of Alma Mater, university education and pedagogical science in Bulgaria in the last decades of 20 and beginning of 21 century. He devotes ten years to lead and develop from 1993 to 2003 the Faculty of Primary and Preschool Education. His work as Dean of faculty, Head of Council of Deans at Sofia University and Head of Commission for Educational Sciences, Musical and a Activities in NAAAHE from 2003 to 2012 are important part from development of pedagogy in Bulgaria,
Keywords: adapted physical education; inclusive education; children with disabilities
Prof. Dr. Nely Boiadjieva
Sofia University