Alternative Approaches to Vocational Education and Training – Part 2
Dr. Phil Budgell
Education Leadership Consultancy (UK)
Abstract. In this paper, the author continues the discussion he started in Budgell (2021): Alternative Approaches to Vocational Education and Training…
Accounting Education – Training Professionals Ready for the Future
Dr. Bistra Nikolova, Assist. Prof.
University of Economics – Varna
Absract. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study of modern trends in the accounting profession, related to the need to acquire knowledge, skills, and competencies to achieve a successful professional realization of accounting students in the conditions of rapid development of information technologies and digital transformation....
Children – Gamification – Climate Literacy
Lyubimka Gabrova
Kindergarten “Kalina”
Absract. The author shares his ideas and experience of approbation of educational model “child – play – climate literacy (competence)” in 6 – 7 year old children in the process of management and guidance of games for the formation of smart growth...
Trends in Internal Communications
Nikolay Kanchev, PhD student
South-West University „Neofit Rilski“
Absract. The world of corporate communications has actively begun to use new technologies to effectively disseminate an organization's message to interested audiences - both internal and external...
Creative Reflection
Eng. Janneke Camps
Aeres University of Applied Sciences – Wageningen (Netherlands)
Abstract. In our floral industry trend is a very important factor. As a university we are very aware of this phenomenon…
Crossing Boundaries in International Cooperation
Eng. Jan-Willem Noom
Aeres University of Applied Sciences – Wageningen, Netherlands)
Abstract. Not only students, but also teachers in vocational (higher) education work together with people from all kinds of organizations, with different disciplines, cultures and perspectives…
Building Intercultural Awareness with Force-It62
Hinno Bel, MA
Aeres University of Applied Sciences – Wageningen (Netherlands)
Abstract. Flexibility, Openness, Respect, Cultural Empaty, Emotional Stability, Initative, Trust…