Managing a Positive and Life-Skills Development in the School-Based Curricula: a Literature Review on the Sustainable Education
Dr. Lindita Durmishi, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Ardian Durmishi
“Aleksander Xhuvani” University
Prof. Milena Filipova
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Dr. Silva Ibrahimi
Albanian University
Abstract. The current paper aims to give a comprehensive exploration of the Life Skills resources and sustainable development and the effectiveness of programs in the general development and positive identity of students in the Albanian educational system…
Проучване ролята на образованието за икономическото развитие на регионите в България
Проф. д-р. Николай Стоенчев
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Доц. д-р. Яна Хрисчева
University of National and World Economy
Absract. Настоящото изследване е посветено на изучаване влиянието на образователната структура на заетите лица върху постигнатите икономически резултати…
Application of the Competency Model in Business Administaration Higher Education in Horizon 2030
Prof. Nadya Mironova,
Dr. Tatyana Kicheva, Assoc. Prof.,
Dr. Miglena Angelova, Assoc. Prof.
University of National and World Economy
Abstract. The aim of the article is to establish the extent to which the education in Business Administration at the University of National and World Economy helps to acquire the main key competencies included in the European Qualification Framework…
Verbal Aggression as a Product of the Minimized or Missing Functions of Social Intelligence
Dr. Yavor Georgiev, Assist. Prof.,
Dr. Vesela Mareva
Trakia University
Abstract. This article aims to present conclusions from an analysis of issues surrounding verbal aggression, particularly in cases where social intelligence is lacking among young individuals…
Природонаучната грамотност в учебните програми по човекът и природата и биология и здравно образование
Dr. Isa Hadjiali, Assoc. Prof.
Sofia University
Доц. д-р Теодора Коларова
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. Статията представя изследване, насочено към установяване на степента, в която са зададени основни аспекти на природонаучната грамотност в учебните програми по човекът и природата V – VI клас и биология и здравно образование VII – X клас (прогимназиален и първи гимназиален етап)…
Image Generative Programs of Artificial Intelligence and Their Use in Educational Disciplines of Linguistics, Literature, And Arts – The Semiotic Aspects
Prof. Christo Kaftandjiev, Prof. Vesselina Valkanova
Sofia University
Abstract. The authors analyse in the Literature Review some of the world’s most important scientific books and articles on the following topics – Artificial Intellect (AI); AI image generative programs (Midjourney and others); semiotics and semantics; intertextuality; metaphors; variants/Invariant and redundancy…
Модел за изучаване на учебен предмет „Изкуствен интелект“ – концептуални и съдържателни ракурси
Инж. Илиян Василев, докторант
Sofia University
Absract. В статията е предложен модел на задълбочена подготовка върху съвременните концепции и практики на изкуствения интелект…
Intensive Wellness Program – A Method for Optimizing Motor Condition
Sc. Darinka Ignatova, Assist. Prof.
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Abstract. The present material derives theoretical foundations with an emphasis on the development of the motor state, based on the application of an intensive wellness program…