Dr. Darinka Ignatova
Department for Information and In-Service Training of Teachers – University of Sofia
Abstract. The present material brings out theoretical foundations with an emphasis on development of motor potential and specificity in motor qualities. The following are tracked: scientific status in teaching methodology of physical education and sports in initial stage of basic educational level, educational standards for development of motor quality and agility. Technology for development of motor quality and agility with aim of increasing motor capacity has been approved. Statistical verification of effectiveness of a tested technology is presented with following: organization of experimental work, ascertaining, training, and control stage. Scientifically based conclusions and generalizations are drawn. The purpose of study is to establish and assess presence of Wellness Culture1 in primary education by applying an innovative methodology for development of motor quality agility and increasing motor capacity of students from initial stage of basic education level by testing an innovative methodology in training of PES2, consisting of an author’s set of motor exercises related to Blaze-Pod Trainer System3 and checking its effectiveness in practice.
Keywords: motor capacity; motor activity; motor potential; Wellness culture in Bulgarian primary school