Ivo Lozanov, Yavor Yordanov
National high School of Science and Mathematics (Sofia)
Absract. This project is focused on the experimental determination of the specific heat capacity of aqueous solutions of LiCl with different mass concentrations as a function of temperature. A new laboratory method for its measurement has been proposed, which is applicable for various liquids and, in contrast to calorimetry,
relies on the heat transfer between two media with different temperatures and thus
accounts for the heat losses of this thermodynamic system. A theoretical model
based on the heat balance equation for Newtonian and Stephan-Boltzmann heat
transfer has been constructed. Laboratory experiments have been carried out using
aqueous solutions of LiCl with mass concentration ranging from 0 to 15% and at
temperatures in the range 20-90 ℃. The data has been analysed using MATLAB and empiric equations for the temperature dependence of the specific heat capacity for fixed mass concentrations of the solute have been obtained. The results are in good agreement with the reference values.
Keywords: specific heat capacity; heat conduction experiment; lithium chloride; temperature dependence; concentration dependence