Dr. Gabriela Kiryakova, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Nadezhda Angelova, Assist. Prof.
Trakia University -Stara Zagora
Absract. The integration of modern technologies in the learning process is a key component of the strategies of educational institutions for effective education.
Through them the educational content and learning activities are enriched and realized quickly and easily with the active participation of the students. At the same
time, technologies are a prerequisite for the realization of new forms of education, adequate to the learners’ needs and expectations. For teachers, the benefits of
applying digital technologies in the learning process and their contribution to improving the quality of education are undeniable. For the current generation of learners, technologies are an essential part of their daily lives. But the readiness of digital learners to accept and participate in new forms of learning based on technological innovations is a matter of crucial importance.
The aim of the current paper is to present an analysis of the results of a study about the students’ attitude to the implementation of various innovative forms of learning.
Keywords: innovative forms of learning; technological innovations; digital learners
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