Prof. Dr. George Mengov,
Prof. Irina Zinovieva, DSc.
Sofia University
Absract. The trend of generative artificial intelligence (AI) displacing middle-class workers almost without affecting the lowest- and highest-paid jobs raises new questions for business higher education. How should future managers, entrepreneurs, and business professionals be trained to become winners and not losers? What is the place of artificial intelligence in the academic examinations?
Here we share our experience with a kind of a game of outwitting that students and professors play against each other, because some students are tempted to compensate with generative AI their insufficient preparation for an exam. The main result is a significant deterioration in their grades when a test requires mastery of the learning material and is purposefully designed to mislead ChatGPT. We suggest, in contrast, to stimulate the students’ expert intuition as it remains unattainable for AI. One successfully used tool here is the BBC's “Just a Minute” game. The participants compete by giving speeches avoiding hesitation, repetition, and deviation from the topic. We believe the future will need human creative skills as they remain beyond the reach of AI, and exactly that is what the university should support and foster.
Keywords: gamification; business education; competitive behaviour; generative AI