Yoni Petrovska
National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski” (Bulgaria)
Abstract. The professional activity of the employees in the Special Home for Temporary Accommodation of Foreigners at the Migration Directorate is closely related to their physical, combat, applied preparation, etc. Priority among specialized knowledge and skills is given to physical fitness. The characteristics of the activity show that the successful completion of the various tasks requires the performers to have appropriate motor skills. They are demonstrated as a system of meaningful and purposeful simple or complex movements, which are evaluated based on specific actions. Due to the specifics of the tasks to be solved, professional preparation is necessary. The purpose of the study is to establish the physical fitness of employees in junior executive positions. To assess and establish the level of physical fitness, a sports pedagogical test was conducted with 90 employees with an average age of 42.8 years. The attached test battery includes four tests approved by the Ministry of Interior. Analysis of motor test results in terms of speed, coordination, and endurance are lower in the assessment. This fact gives us reason to believe that in practice not enough purposeful work is done to develop the strength of the lower limbs and endurance.
Keywords: physical fitness; evaluation; junior executive position