Dr. Rositsa Shtereva, Assist. Prof.
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. The article presents an experimental study of the possibility of accepting the ease the formation of motor skills of children from 6 – 7 years of age as an indicator of the extend of development of their coordination abilities, a
consequence of their play motor experience. The expert assessment method is used
for diagnosis. The results of the process of the formation of two motor skills in two
research groups are compared, and in the experimental group, a technological model
of motor games was applied during the previous 4 years, as a result of which the
children‘s coordination abilities were developed to a higher degree in comparison
with the control. The dynamics of skill formation are analyzed according to the
criteria: quality of performance, speed and economy in mastering the motor actions,
durability of the developed skills, homogeneity of the results. The trends in the pace of skill formation are outlined. A variational analysis is performed on the recorded data. It is established that the ease of the process is an indicator of the degree of
development of the coordination abilities of preschool children.
Keywords: motor skills; indicator; coordinating abilities; motor games; preschool age