Dr. Kirilka Tagareva, Assoc. Prof., Dr. Magdalena Gereva
University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”
Absract. Creative motivation is considered in the context of personality structure and flourishing as an indicator of positive development. The aim of the present study is to explore the relationships in the field of creativity and creative motivation as factors for achieving psychological well-being and flourishing, as well as their presence within various psychological profiles. Hypotheses have been raised in order to measure the presence of creativity indicators within certain
psychological types in relation to the level of creative motivation and flourishing.
The survey instruments used are: Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Torrance Creative motivation scale and Diener Flourishing Scale. The results presented are based on a pilot study conducted in Plovdiv. The sample includes people in early adulthood, authentic folklore dance performers.
Keywords: flourishing; creative motivation; creativity; psychological type; MBTI