Editorial Board Members
The Scientometric Approach as a Tool for Objectifying the Evaluation in Research: Development, Opportunities and Modern Trends
Absract. Abstract. The article presents the scientometics and its specific methods and indicators applicable to the evaluation of scientific production and its impact. The evolution of the scientometric approach is traced out and the milestones in its development are outlined. The most important characteristics and specifics of scientometrics as a field of research are elucidated. The main information sources for scientometric analyses are presented, as well as the types of scientometric indicators with their capabilities, limitations and peculiarities in their application. The new points, trends and perspectives of scientometrics are outlined as a method of quantitative analysis and evaluation in the field of research and innovation. It is concluded that the correct and competent application of scientometrics provides ample opportunities for optimizing the science policy.
Keywords: scientometrics; research evaluation; scientometric indicators; perspectives in scientometrics; science policy implications
Prof. Ludmila Ivancheva
nstitute of Philosophy and Sociology -
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Public Collections with Museum Profile in Bulgarian Higher Education Institutions: Creation, Management, Perspectives
Absract. University museums in Bulgarian higher education institutions are described and analyzed in the context of the current educational and cultural trends. The important features of this specific academic units are highlighted with specification of some distinguishing museum collections, which work fruitfully inside and outside of their own university space. Administrative improvement and more active promotion are recommended as key paths for a more positive prospect ahead of the whole 27 Bulgarian university museums. In the article are involved data, extracted from the cited sources and from the official internet sites of the mentioned higher education institutions.
Keywords: university; cultural heritage; museum; Bulgaria; higher education; art; science
Prof. Vera Boneva
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
Sofia, Bulgaria
Migration and Migration Processes
Absract. Migration is a demographic process that continually accompanies human development. Migration is a social phenomenon in a globalizing world with a real impact on the lives of people, communities, countries and around the world. Migration is the need of the individual to meet the material needs - standard of living, upgrading of education, qualification, etc. The efforts of EU Member States should be aimed at pursuing a policy that is balanced, ie to look for the socio-economic benefits of immigration. An important motive for the return of a large number of migrants to our country may be economic growth and improving living standards.
Keywords: migration; demographic process; migration process
Dr. Veselina Ivanova, lecturer
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Children’s University Activities as Implementation of the Third Mission of Higher Education Institution
Abstract. Dynamic changes in all spheres of the modern world are the cause of many challenges in the educational process. Higher education carries out the third mission through extensive cooperation with the surrounding socio-economic environment. Many educational initiatives relate to support for various social and age groups. Support for children’s education is the implementation of the university’s social responsibility. This activity is of great value in the sphere of promotion for universities. The idea of children’s universities is implemented in many countries and will develop in the coming years.
The exchange of ideas and good practices presented in the article between the universities of Bulgaria and Poland cooperating under the Erasmus + project, helped to develop the idea of a children’s university. Based on the experience of two universities, the implementation of the third mission of the university in the field of activities supporting children’s education was shown.
Keywords: third mission of higher education institution; children’s university; social responsibility of the university
Mariana Petrova, Lyubomira Popova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo (Bulgaria)
Dorota Dejniak
Bronisław Markiewicz State Higher School
of Technology and Economics (PWSTE) – Jarosław (Poland)
Opportunities and Challenges for the Financing of Quality Science in the EU. The Role of the European Research Council and the Participation of Bulgaria
Absract. European policy on research and technological development has been incorporated into European legislation as early as in the founding treaties. For the 2014 – 2020 programming period, the EU is implementing its support for research and innovation almost fully through the Eighth FP Horizon 2020, which focuses on three main pillars: Europe's leading position in industry; Societal challenges and Excellence in science. This article focuses on the third pillar, and in particular on one of its institutions – the European Research Council (ERC), analyzing the opportunities that its programs provide to European scientists as well as the challenges posed by the project funding procedures and by the insufficient information and preparation from scientists in different European countries. The participation of the scientific circles from Bulgaria is also analyzed. The article challenges some of the criticism of the ERC by offering other views and understanding that would motivate more scientific teams to use the opportunities provided by the ERC.
Keywords: EU science policy; excellence science in Bulgaria; ERC
Dr. Elena Blagoeva-Hazarbassanova
New Bulgarian University
Information, Informatizati and Education – Problems and Prospects
Absract. Informatization of the education system is the most reliable and promising innovation opportunity for the 21st century school. It can and should become the foundation for the process of global informatization of the entire community, as information and communication technologies (ICTs) place learners of all types and levels of school facing new intellectual challenges and make the learning process more flexible and effective, space and access to information.
Informatization of the educational system, as a process, must go beyond that of other superstructural phenomena in society, since the social, psychological, general cultural, moral and ethical and professional prerequisites for informatization of the whole society are built up at the school and the university. Only a person trained in the skills and desires for the realization of humanistic social ideas, possessing the spirit of new technologies, with innovative thinking, will be able to change society through its activity in material and spiritual production.
Keywords: information and communication technologies; education system; new technologies; global informatization
Dr. Chavdar Milkov
Episkop Konstantin Preslavski Shumen University
Social Status of Disabled People in Russia
Abstract. The article raises questions and considers the state, problems and prospects of the system of social security and social protection of disabled people. Legislation realization of social protection for the disabled is a provocative question as the social help and support of the handicapped in a modern Russian society is not at a proper level. Disability is a complex social and medical problem, a problem of realization of human and civil rights. The system of social protection has been formed in the country, and a legal and regulatory framework has been developed as well. On the one hand, Russia has significantly expanded the range of opportunities for the disabled by transforming social practices in various areas, organizing targeted social work, creating conditions for an accessible environment, and expanding the information provision of social services. On the other hand, these measures do not make it possible to completely neutralize the social vulnerability of this category of people.
Keywords: disability; social protection; government program; social barriers; social inequality; exclusion; social status; accessible environment; employment; integration; inclusion; social legislation; social subjectivity
Elena G. Pankova, Tatiana V. Soloveva,
Dinara A. Bistyaykina, Olga M. Lizina
Mordovian state university N. P. Ogareva – Saransk (Russia)