Can we Look into the Future of the Bulgarian Language?
Absract. The author of the article answers negatively to the question of scientific linguistic prognosis if it is made through conjectures from the point of view
of traditional directions, that analyze the tendencies and development of linguistic phenomena without taking into account the social factor. Needed is sociolinguistic methodology.
In the manuscript, the problems of forecasting are divided into macrosociolinguistic and microsociolinguistic and the analysis is made mainly in view of macrosociolinguistics. Pointed out is that the observations should be focused mainly on the Sofia capital's speech, where the leading social classes are. The metropolitan practice afterwards becomes nationwide: the metropolitan fashion dictates the future appearance of the language.
Indicated are some perspectives in the current language versions.
Keywords: metropolitan speech; futurology; prognosis; diglossia; national standard
Acad. Prof. Mihail Videnov
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria)
Syntax of Metalanguage
Absract. The article presents metalanguage as a cognitive phenomenon with its own syntactic paradigm. The paradigm of syntactic bonds of metalanguage is substantiated by the method of cognitive modelling. The analysis is based on the cognitive reading of the definitive sentence characteristics predicative, modality, intonation completeness and grammatical formation. The principle of cognitive integration between concepts, phenomena is applied.
Keywords: metalanguage; cognitive phenomenon; cognitive integration; concept
Prof. Mariana Georgieva, DSc.
Institute for Bulgarian Language
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Burnout Levels of English Language Teachers
Abstract. Teachers are among the working populations who are at high risk of being affected by burnout syndrome, an emotional stress condition manifested in emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal accomplishment (Maslach, 1976). The goal of this quantitative cross-sectional study is to examine English language teachers’ burnout levels and how the three core components of burnout are related to several teacher background variables such as gender, age, and teaching experience. Data were collected through a demographic form and Maslach Burnout Inventory. The results show that the rate of burnout in EFL teachers is at a medium level in emotional exhaustion and personal achievement dimensions, and low in depersonalization. Our findings also confirmed that gender, age and teaching experience affect EFL teacher burnout.
Keywords:burnout; depersonalization; EFL teachers; emotional exhaustion; reduced personal accomplishment
1) Suzan Kavanoz, 2) Yasemin Kırkgöz
1) Yıldız Technical University – Istanbul (Turkey)
2) Çukurova University – Adana (Turkey)
Modern Approaches to Foreign Language Teaching
Abstract. This article discusses creativity, innovations and interculturalism as key trends in modern Foreign Language Teaching. It argues that in a learning environment strongly dependant on digital technology and extensive communication participatory learning and achivements of high results do not seem visible if the above-mentioned trends are not taken into serious consideration.
Keywords: foreign language teaching; education; innovations
Danail Danov
University of Sofia (Bulgaria)
Inside and in-Between Two Worlds“ (Kadzuo Ishiguro – „A Pale View of Hills“ and „The Remains of the Day”)
Absract. The article studies two novels of one of the cross-cultural writers Kazuo Ishiguro – A pale view of hills (1982) and The remains of the day (1989). Way before he received his Nobel prize in 2017, Ishiguro has already been acknowledged internationally and his novels have been translated in many languages all over the world, winning literary awards. His novel The remains of the day (1989) was adapted into an Oscar nominated film with a cast full of well-known stars.
The movie was nominated in 8 categories. Important themes in Ishiguro’s works are the return to the past, the memory, the search for signs and personal identity, the discursive crossing of boundaries and cultural narratives. In this space, which is ‘somewhere inside and in-between two worlds’, values and structures are reassessed, the history of the past is restructured and all of this happens from the viewpoint of the alienated narrator. Ishiguro's novels represent a meta-text with respect to Western stereotypes of the East and „Japanese“, which have their roots in Japanese culture itself, but conceive of it ambivalently. Likewise, the novel The remains of the day is a metatext concerned with the phenomenon of „Englishness“ which exists on many levels in the work’s structure, but this recognition of the „English novel” is again in the zone of hybrid mentality.
Keywords: Ishiguro; cross-cultural literature; memory; nostalgia; irony
Prof. Magdalena Kostova-Panayotova, DSc.
South-West University “Neofit Rilski”
Polish Language at Foreign Universities in the Perspective of a Teacher of Polish as a Foreign Language
Absract. The first part of the paper presents a brief glimpse into the history of teaching Polish as a Foreign Language at universities worldwide. Activities of Bristol Association of Polish and Foreign Teachers of Polish Culture and Polish as a Second Language are also mentioned, as well as its role in offering methodological help for teachers and professors of Polish overseas. The paper offers also a presentation of the current model of teaching Polish abroad coordinated since 2017 by the Polish state agency NAWA. The second part of the paper deals with an overview of university centers teaching Polish in Slovakia. The author focuses mainly on the specifics of Polish education program at the Department of Slavonic Languages, Faculty of Arts at the Comenius University in Bratislava, from the synchronic and diachronic point of view. At the end of the paper, some relevant information about teaching Polish at university centers in Bulgaria is mentioned from the comparative, current perspective.
Keywords: teaching Polish abroad; Polish as a second language; teaching Polish in Slovakia; teaching Polish in Bulgaria
Dr. Magdalena Zakrzewska-Verdugo
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bratislava, Slovakia
Towards the History of the Preposition Except
Absract. The article discusses one of the linguo-didactologic goals oriented to the teaching of Old Bulgarian (Slavonic) as the establishing of systematic relations between diachrony and synchrony. Concrete example are the uses of the preposition except in a translated juridical text from 1262, some of which overlap with the contemporary use of the preposition except in complex conjunctions appropriated to the administrative style. The main conclusion concerns the localization character of except in texts and manuscripts of Southern, or Balkan Slavic origin. The Preslav Literary School plays a definitive role for its imposing in the literary language. The unchangeable prepositional functions prove the continuity between the Medieval and the Modern Bulgarian language.
Keywords: Old Bulgarian (Slavonic) language; prepositions; transition from synthetism to analytism
Prof. Mariyana Tsibranska-Kostova
Institute for Bulgarian Language
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Latin Medical Terminology for Students of Medicine and Dental Medicine
Stankova, I. & Petrova, M. (2019). Latinska meditsinska terminologiya. Uchebnik za studenti po meditsina i dentalna meditsina.
Sofia: Iztok-Zapad, 260 p.
Prof. Dimitar Vesselinov, Dr. Gloriya Bakardjieva
Sofia University
Eros and Agape as Literary Incarnations
Stoyanova, Yu. (2018). Eros i Agape. Literaturni prevaplashteniya.
Sofia: Sv. Kliment Ohridski, 288 p.
ISBN 978-954-07-4334-9
Prof. Dr. Savelina Banova
Sofia University
A New Reference Book of Linguistic Terms for Students of Slavic Studies
Stalyanova, N. & Kreychova, E. (2019). Rechnik na lingvistichnite termini
za studenti slavisti. A – N. Sofia: Paradigma. 144 p.
ISBN: 978-954-326-387-5
Dr. Ivan P. Petrov
Medical University – Plovdiv