Margaret Dimitrova
Sofia University
Absract. The article is a scientific review of Mariana Kerandjieva's work “A Dictionary of the Vocabulary of Akhtarov's Tsarist Manuscript of 1844”. The basis of this book is an undergraduate dissertation, which was further enriched and revised after its defense. The glossary includes a headword, a grammatical characterization, a lexical meaning, and a short excerpt (context) in which the word is attested. This book seriously enriches Paisius scholarship as a branch of the humanities; it helps modern readers better understand how Father-Paisius's word was perceived by his readers in the first half of the nineteenth century.
I believe that the dictionary will find application in the teaching of the history of the New Bulgarian literary language to students of higher education in the country.
Keywords: knowledge about Paisius of Hilendar; dictionary; mid-nineteenth century; vocabulary