Delyan Penchev
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
Abstract. SWOT analysis is an approach traditionally applied in the field of strategic planning and strategic management. Its essence finds expression in the analysis of internal and external factors which can influence over development of the organization, a given managerial technique, etc. In view of this in present article are analyzed the possibilities for application of SWOT analysis in the field of pedagogy. This thesis is based on two basic points of view: first – in every scientific research the analysis of the received information and data is required and although that the said method is a specific type of analysis it has potential to be applied not only in the field of management and marketing but in others scientific spheres one of which can be pedagogy. Second – SWOT analysis can be treated as a scientific method and the results obtained through it – used for solving scientific tasks and purposes.
Keyword: SWOT analysis; research methods; pedagogical research; methodology